Message to Investors

ROYAL GREEN is welcoming partnerships with banks and equity investors who have financial strengths to support projects of all sizes. These keys to success are fundamental for future cooperation:

  • Creation of robust Joint Ventures and financially sound partnerships
  • Low costs of exploration, development, and management
  • Timely ROI
  • Steady growth and accumulation of net profits
  • Internal and external evaluation of collected data
  • Utilization of environmentally-friendly technologies
  • Contribution to overall development of involved communities
  • Restoration and rehabilitation of previously polluted local environments
  • Construction of infrastructures that would create employment and spur local economy
  • Aspiration for international recognition and prime position on the worldwide “green mining” map

RGT has the reputation of maintaining the highest standards of business ethics and pledges to transparency and accessibility with the full trust and fidelity to contracts and agreements.