Legal Partners

ROYAL GREEN legal partners are part of the locally owned and internationally present Kirton and McConckie Attorneys at Law firm.

Mr. Lee Wrightthe shareholder, is a member of the Board of Directors and Secretary on the firm’s Executive Committee. He is a member of the International and Business sections and affiliated with the Tax section. His practice focuses on franchising, licensing, manufacturing, and distribution, including disclosure and compliance.  He also deals with foreign governments, locates and manages foreign legal counsel and handles oversees legation.

Mr. Joseph Brubaker, the associate, focuses on foreign direct investment, international trade and international dispute resolution. His past and present clients are in Australia, Georgia, Indonesia, Luxemburg, Mexico, Panama, DR of Laos, Mexico, Colombia, DR of Congo, England, France Germany, Ghana, Japan and South Africa among others. Mr. Brubaker has also taught international law as an adjunct professor at the Catholic University and Columbus School of Law in Washington DC.

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