
NIGERIA – the allocated properties totaling 180 sq. kilometers in northwest Nigeria show promising eluvial and primary occurrences of gold with copper association. Negotiations with the local tenement holders and licensing processes have been completed in spring of 2014. Simultaneously, RGT paid visit to the former governmental representatives including offices of the Honorable Minister for Mines and Steel Development, the Honorable Minister of Mining and Mineral Resources, the Director-General of Nigeria Mining Cadastre Office, and the Director of Nigerian Geological Survey Agency. After the elections, our local partners have introduced the project to the newly elected officials.

SIERRA LEONE – RGT team visited the Kono gold fields in June of 2014, just before the Ebola outbreak was declared an epidemic. During the following 9 months, the disease ravaged the country and all RGT’s activities were put on hold. In the summer of 2015, executive activities resulted in the establishment of a JV with South Cross Mining Ltd., and ground operations should begin toward the end of the year 2018.