What we do

ROYAL GREEN specializes in precious metals such as platinum group metals and rare earth elements, and base metals such as tin, iron, copper, lead, zinc and other non-ferrous metals.

Our capabilities include, but are not limited to the following:

  • RGT secures needed investments– through partnerships with banks and equity investors, monetization of NI43-101 or JORC reports, and customized options for start-up operations
  • RGT attains timely return on investment- by enforcing the philosophy that all relationships should be long-lasting and with the full trust and fidelity to contracts and agreements
  • RGT builds Joint Ventures with licensed title-holders of ore deposits– who are eager to modernize mining operations, protect local environment, and support local communities
  • RGT cooperates with national and local governmentswhich are keen to legalize mining industries and launch greenest processing plants & refineries
  • RGT forms partnerships with proprietors of green extraction & recovery technologieswith the aim of fully replacing the outdated mining processes
  • RGT explores and evaluates primary and placer deposits– by conducting scoping, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies which are based on the international reporting guidelines
  • RGT expedites in-country related issueswhich includes licensing, permits, taxes, water resources and power supply, among others
  • RGT conducts metallurgical and processing studies– including optimization of processing methods
  • RGT develops mine engineering and mine planning studies– to incorporate methods with the lowest footprints while maximizing efficiency and safety of the workers
  • RGT conducts transport and logistical studies– including internal mine transport and access to and from mine sites
  • RGT conducts general engineering studiesin support of mining activities and operations, and particularly in the area of efficient use of alternative energy sources for remote areas
  • RGT conducts environmental studies– to national and international standards to allow flora to grow, fauna to return to its native habitats, and children to play without danger
  • RGT utilizes innovative approaches to shorten the time taken from exploration to mine production- thereby ensuring faster return on investment
  • RGT creates and employs innovative structures to secure ongoing growth– by steady increase of revenues across activities that are positioned to be self-sustainable and expandable
  • RGT develops and manages mines– by utilizing innovative and established best practices with the purpose of running greenest mines and producing greenest minerals

RGT also works hard to:

  • Restore polluted mining environments and protect healthy surroundings- through cooperation with NGO’s capable to restore and rejuvenate previously polluted mining sites
  • Support the overall betterment of local communities– by conducting socio-economic studies and creating community relations to outreach those in need and enable those ready to lead
  • Share a portion of gained profits– to support the dignity and self-sustainability of local families
  • Create wealth for all involved– while maintaining business ethics, individual accountability, and shared compassion